Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy 3 Month Birthday Abbey!

Abbey is 3 months old! She is officially a baby (and not a newborn!) and developing such a personality. When she was first born I kept noticing her doing all the same things that Dylan did has a baby, but now she really is just one of a kind. Much different than Dylan. She is very independent, partly I think because she has to be with all the attention Dylan requires. Very good at amusing herself and putting herself to sleep/staying entertained on her own.
She has incredible hand coordination. It really is amazing watching her play with her hands (putting fingers from one hand in between fingers in the other hand). She also is really good at grabbing her feet and the toys on the bouncy seat (mostly with her feet). She is dramatic. Can be very happy and then all of a sudden very sad. She talks all the time!! She LOVES her pacifier and has just figured out how to suck on her thumb. (It's crazy too because she prefers a completely different kind of shape of pacifier than Dylan did) She loves to snuggle with her blankets/lovey and likes being tight & secure (when held, enjoys her carseat, etc.) She can get overstimulated VERY easy.
Within the last couple weeks she has developed a huge fear of strangers (even her Daddy sometimes) I didn't think this could happen so early but she freaks out/panics if someone else holds her. It's really like a panic attack. But then when her mommy takes her back, she's fine again. I want to say it's the weirdest thing, but honestly, really she knows me best and gets all her attention from me, again since Dylan is usually taking everyone elses. Funny how the dynamics work.
Anyways, she is still sleeping and eating great. Goes to bed around 8:30, wakes around 5:00am to eat and sleeps until 8:00. She is starting to take her daytime naps in her crib in her room and doing great! I'd say she's all around a healthy happy little girl.

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